CPAP and other effective sleep apnea treatments

CPAP and other effective sleep apnea treatments

Most people with sleep apnea will also need to make lifestyle changes and seek treatment that helps keep the airway open while they are sleeping.

The most effective treatment now available for moderate to severe sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP therapy.

How does a CPAP device work? 

A CPAP machine is a device that uses a hose and an airtight nosepiece or mask to provide a continuous stream of air while you sleep. The air pressure keeps your airway open, preventing breathing pauses.

Some people find it challenging to fall asleep when using a CPAP machine. But after a period of adjustment, the majority of people finally learn to sleep well. Giving CPAP therapy a true shot is beneficial since you’ll often experience immediate symptom relief and a notable boost in your mental and physical energy.

The most recent CPAP technology is more comfortable, lighter, and quieter than older ones. Technology for CPAP is always being updated and enhanced. Even if you’ve already given up on them, you owe it to yourself to give them one more try. Need to read more about Frequently asked questions on CPAP machines by clicking here.

CPAP and other effective sleep apnea treatments

Advice and CPAP troubleshooting

It could take some time to become used to sleeping with a CPAP machine. It’s natural to miss sleeping the “old way,” but there are things you can do to make the adjustment easier and make sure your treatment is working its hardest for you.

Make sure your mask fits comfortably.

When it comes to CPAP therapy, one size does not fit all. It’s important to get a mask that fits well and is comfortable for you.

There are many different types of masks, some of which just cover the nose while others enclose the whole face. To accommodate a range of face forms, masks come in a number of sizes. There are other options that allow you to sleep in any position, can accommodate glasses, and won’t fall off if you toss and turn.

After discussing your options with your doctor, set up follow-up appointments to check the fit, gauge how your treatment is going, and, if necessary, modify or replace your mask.

Getting used to your CPAP device

Breathe easily. Start by using your CPAP machine for small periods of time. Try wearing it while sitting up in bed for a half- or full-hour to watch TV or read a book. Try it while you’re drifting off to sleep or lying down after you’ve become accustomed to it.

Choose the ramp setting. The majority of equipment may be configured to gradually increase air pressure after a slow start. You should try to get some shut-eye before the machine reaches the pressure level that is ideal for you. Most people find that doing so greatly eases and enhances their ability to fall asleep.

Reset the device if air flow wakes you up. If a powerful jet of air wakes you up, switch the CPAP machine on and off to reset the ramp setting.

Guidelines to improve health and comfort

Choose a CPAP device with a built-in humidifier. The inbuilt humidifier included in the majority of current devices reduces the chance of skin irritation and dryness.

If you have nasal congestion, a full-face mask may be preferred than a nasal or nasal cushion mask. Make sure that your mask, tubing, humidifier tank, and all of these components are constantly clean and full. Nasal sprays and antihistamines are also helpful.

Take care of your PC. Regular cleaning of your CPAP hose, nosepiece or mask, and humidifier tub is essential since dirty CPAP equipment may cause infections, including pneumonia. Your sleep doctor and the gadget manufacturer will also provide you with detailed cleaning instructions.

As well as soft pads to diminish skin irritation and nasal cushions to help discomfort in the nose, ask your doctor about chinstraps to keep your mouth closed and reduce throat irritation and dry mouth.

the CPAP machine’s noise is muted. Most contemporary CPAP machines are quiet, but if noise is an issue for you, think about placing the machine underneath the bed and using a sound machine to drown out the noise.

Additional positive pressure respiratory equipment

In addition to CPAP, a sleep specialist may recommend other devices to treat sleep apnea.

Single-use Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure (EPAP) devices fit over the nostrils and are less bulky and intrusive than CPAP machines to help keep the airway open. These may be helpful for those with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP, sometimes referred to as BPAP) devices may be used by persons who have trouble getting acclimated to CPAP or by those with central sleep apnea who need assistance with a weak breathing pattern. 

This device automatically adjusts the pressure as you sleep, increasing pressure during inhalation and decreasing pressure upon exhalation. Some BiPAP systems will also deliver a breath if the mask detects that you haven’t taken one in a certain number of seconds.

With the use of adaptive servo-ventilation (ASV) devices, both central and obstructive sleep apnea may be treated. The ASV device captures data about your regular breathing pattern and automatically adjusts airflow pressure to prevent breathing pauses while you’re sleeping.

Utilizing oral appliances

Using specialized dental appliances to treat sleep apnea is becoming more and more popular. Even though they aren’t as effective as CPAP therapy, they are a good option if you can’t use a CPAP equipment since most people find them more comfortable.

Although there are several more oral appliances that may be used to treat sleep apnea, the bulk of them are made of acrylic and are either designed to go around your head and chin to alter your lower jaw’s position or to fit within your mouth like a mouth guard for athletics.

Two common oral appliances are the mandibular advancement device and the tongue holding device. These devices allow you to breathe more easily as you sleep by advancing your lower jaw or tongue.

Given the large range of gadgets available, it could take some experimentation to find the appliance that suits you the best. Additionally, it’s essential to see the dentist periodically to check for any problems and have the mouthpiece changed as necessary. The mouthpiece should be placed by a dentist who specializes in treating sleep apnea.

Other negative consequences of oral appliances include pain, saliva accumulation, damage to or long-term alterations in the position of the jaw, teeth, and mouth. They could be more harmful in improperly mounted devices.

CPAP and other effective sleep apnea treatments

Treatment Alternatives

There are several sleep apnea treatments available. Your unique circumstances, such as the severity, underlying cause, and type of your sleep apnea, will determine the best course of action for you.

Assisted Technologies

The initial line of treatment for sleep apnea is often positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy. With minor sleep apnea or when dental appliances are necessary, there may be exceptions.

A mask that covers the mouth and nose and provides airflow to maintain the upper airway’s openness is a component of all PAP devices.

PAP treatment equipment comes in a few distinct varieties. The two most typical kinds are:

  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP): Known as the “gold standard” therapy for sleep apnea, CPAP has been shown to be successful in symptom reduction and quality-of-life enhancement. Continuous airflow at a single pressure is required. Other PAP devices and treatments could be investigated, however, if a person cannot tolerate CPAP properly.
  • Bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP): Similar to CPAP devices, BiPAP machines use two distinct air pressures for breathing and exhaling.

If CPAP treatment is not tolerated, a BiPAP machine may be considered. Additionally, it is a more effective method of treating central sleep apnea.

Dental appliances and oral mandibular advancement devices are two other forms of sleep apnea supportive devices. These may move the lower jaw forward or prevent the tongue from obstructing the upper airway, depending on the demands of the person.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized more than 100 oral appliances to treat sleep apnea. For mild-moderate sleep apnea, especially developed oral mandibular advancement devices are useful.

Some patients may choose dental appliances to PAP treatment since they are less intrusive, often more inexpensive, and frequently more pleasant.

When used regularly and appropriately, PAP treatment is quite beneficial, but it does not treat sleep apnea. If PAP treatment is stopped, apnea episodes will recur.

You need a range of gadgets

Given the large range of gadgets available, it could take some experimentation to find the appliance that suits you the best. Additionally, it’s essential to see the dentist periodically to check for any problems and have the mouthpiece changed as necessary. The mouthpiece should be placed by a dentist who specializes in treating sleep apnea.

Side effects of gadgets

Other negative consequences of oral appliances include pain, saliva accumulation, damage to or long-term alterations in the position of the jaw, teeth, and mouth. They could be more harmful in improperly mounted devices.

Positional Therapy

Sleep apnea is less likely to occur if you sleep on your side or stomach. But you’re more likely to have issues if you sleep on your back. You may avoid resting on your back and lessen the need for a CPAP machine by using devices that connect to your waist or back.

Sleep apnea symptoms include breathing erratically while you sleep, gasping for air when you wake up, and feeling too drowsy throughout the day.

Sleep apnea comes in three different forms. Obstructive sleep apnea is the most prevalent kind of sleep disorder (OSA). In the US, between 2% to 9% of adults and around 2% of children are affected with OSA. If you have this respiratory condition, you have sleep-related breathing interruptions2. During sleep, you can snore, gulp, choke, or snort. Your body’s reactions can cause you to become awake.

A considerably less common form of sleep apnea is central sleep apnea (CSA). The area of the brain that regulates breathing is to blame for the breathing problem rather than the airway itself. A prominent sign of CSA is a recurring cycle in which your breathing increasingly slows until it eventually stops entirely for a short period of time.

Your doctor could advise using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine as therapy if you are found is sleep apnea dangerous. Your airway will remain open while you sleep thanks to the compressed air provided by a CPAP machine. Patients who regularly use a CPAP machine report higher quality of life and less cognitive impairment. Additionally, CPAP treatment may lower blood pressure.

CPAP devices are not the sole therapy for OSA, however. The best therapies for you may be determined by your doctor.

Why you should consider non-CPAP sleep apnea treatment

There are several reasons why people with OSA look for CPAP alternatives:


The machine’s out-of-pocket price ranges from $250 to more than $1,000. You are often obliged to sign up for a rent-to-own plan3 with stringent compliance conditions if you utilize insurance to purchase a CPAP machine.

Compliance Conditions: 

Users of CPAP machines are required by insurers like Medicare to comply with a 30-day compliance period4, using the device for at least 4 hours a night on 70% of the nights. Patients who find it difficult to comply with these regulations may feel their privacy is being violated.


CPAP users have different side effects. Others report discomfort from the mask,5 as well as dry mouth, red or itchy eyes, and a dry, stuffy, or runny nose. The sound produced by mask leaks may disturb CPAP users and their bed companions. Adherence is affected by each of these adverse effects.


CPAP machine adherence rates may be as low as 50%.

Exercise and Loss of Weight

A risk factor for OSA is obesity. According to research, considerable weight reduction lessens OSA’s severity. According to one research, a diet adjustment combined with at least three hours of moderate activity per week may help people with OSA lose weight. Another study found that bariatric surgery may lessen OSA severity. When seeking medical therapy for obesity, patients should see an endocrinologist or expert in obesity medicine.

Patients who alter their sleeping postures as well as their weight find greater improvements than those who merely do so. However, OSA cannot be entirely cured by weight reduction alone.

Sleep Position

Having more apnea episodes each night is associated with sleeping supine, or on your back with your face up toward the ceiling. Your tongue and larynx may restrict your breathing if you have OSA and sleep on your back. According to one research, roughly 62% of OSA patients also had supine-predominant sleep apnea.

To lessen the effects of OSA, specialists advise sleeping on your side rather than your back. Patients who use gadgets that inform them while they are lying on their backs have fewer apnea episodes, according to studies. The technology itself must be improved, and adherence to the usage of these devices is a problem.

Inspire therapy.

The Inspire implant “may be a game changer for people who have tried and failed to cure their sleep apnea with all sorts of stuff,” adds Yaremchuk. This is how it goes: A tiny generator, a breathing sensor lead, and a stimulation lead are inserted into a patient’s chest via three chest incisions. The gadget works to detect breathing patterns and stimulate certain muscles to open a person’s airway when a user switches it on before bed. The battery-powered gadget has an eight-hour battery life and was given FDA approval in 2014.

  • Patient eligibility requirements for Inspire Therapy include the following:
  • You suffer from mild to severe Obstructive snoring
  • You are unable to utilize or benefit from CPAP on a regular basis.
  • Your BMI can’t be higher than 32, thus you are not very obese.
  • You are older than 22 years old.

Speaking with your doctor about whether or not Inspire is a suitable match for you is crucial, according to Yaremchuk, since an outpatient treatment to treat sleep apnea may not be an option for many people.

Yaremchuk adds, “I usually tell clients that I don’t want to undertake a procedure that takes four hours and doesn’t function. And you don’t want to have a four-hour procedure that is unsuccessful.

Final thoughts

Relief from sleep apnea may take many different forms, allowing you to maintain a healthy, productive life with a regular sleep schedule.

Critical tips on sleep apnea you shouldn’t miss

Critical tips on sleep apnea you shouldn’t miss

Have you recently received a sleep apnea diagnosis? We’ll go through a number of recommendations and treatments that you could find useful in resolving your sleep apnea in the paragraphs that follow.

Implants for sleep apnea

The implantation of a pacemaker device, which stimulates muscles to keep airways open so that you may breathe while you sleep, is one of the most modern sleep apnea treatment. One of the most advanced therapies now accessible is this therapy. The new treatment, which has been approved by the FDA, is available to Americans with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea.

Despite the fact that the technology is fairly new, studies suggest that it may also benefit people who have central sleep apnea (and pricey).

To cure sleep apnea, upper airway surgery is performed.

If all other treatments for your sleep apnea have failed, you may want to think about undergoing surgery to widen your airway.

The surgeon could remove the tonsils, adenoids, or excess tissue from the nose or the back of the throat. In order to enlarge the upper airway, the jaw may also be rebuilt, or plastic rods may be placed in the soft palate. In addition to the risks of problems and infections that are inherent in any surgical treatment, symptoms may worsen after surgery. Read more about CPAP and other effective sleep apnea treatments by visiting

Critical tips on sleep apnea you shouldn’t miss

Children’s sleep apnea

Even though the problem may be rather common in children, it is not always easy to spot obstructive sleep apnea in this age range. Children with sleep apnea may also snort, gasp, or stop breathing while they are sleeping in addition to snoring loudly and regularly throughout the night.

  • Test out several various sleeping positions.
  • You should not be tired all day.
  • You wet the bed, perspire excessively at night, or have nightmares.
  • Experience behavioral issues or declining grades.

If you are worried that your child may have sleep apnea, you must immediately see a physician who focuses on the treatment of sleep problems. Sleep apnea may have a detrimental effect on your child’s learning capacity, mood, development, and overall health if it is not treated.

How is obstructive sleep apnea treated and what causes it in children?

Most occurrences of obstructive sleep apnea in children are brought on by enlarged tonsils and adenoids. A common treatment called an adenotonsillectomy, which removes the tonsils and adenoids, often solves the problem. Your child’s doctor could also advise your family to try using a CPAP machine or another kind of breathing apparatus.

If your child’s obstructive sleep apnea is brought on by excess weight, your encouragement, support, and positive role modeling may help your child achieve and maintain a healthy weight — and put your whole family on a healthier road — If your child’s ailment is brought on by their weight,

Even though spending a lot of time alone in one area might be challenging, most people can find something to occupy their time with. Instead of giving you access to an online course on how to stop snoring at home, we’re going to concentrate on giving you some beneficial tips on how to cure sleep apnea now.

To begin with, remember that OSA is a manageable, curable sleep disorder. People with sleep apnea do not obtain enough oxygen while they are asleep, which may sometimes cause other sleep-related issues.


Snoring is a common symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. They could be informed that they snore loudly by a spouse or close friend. Even if a person does not snore, sleep apnea may cause additional symptoms such increased daytime tiredness, attention difficulties, and memory issues.

A person may want to talk to a doctor about their problems, who will often suggest a sleep study. The subject may need to spend the night at a designated location as part of the research, where medical staff will keep an eye on their oxygen saturation, heart rate, and how often they stop breathing while they sleep. Home sleep tests, however, are another option and are becoming more popular.

One should be aware that snoring does not always indicate sleep apnea.

A sleep study may assist a doctor evaluate if a patient has enough bouts of disrupted breathing, or stoppages in breathing, for sleep apnea to be present, even though snoring is a sign of the condition.

When to see a doctor

A person should consult their doctor if they have issues with excessive daytime drowsiness, such as falling asleep at work or school. If a loved one notices them regularly halting breathing while they sleep, they should also see their doctor.

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder. The heart works extra hard to pump blood through the body to provide the oxygen that is missing during apnea episodes when a person stops breathing. This added strain on the heart may harm it, causing high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats.

Traditionally, a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) equipment has been used by physicians to treat sleep apnea. This device goes over the mouth or nose and increases positive pressure in the airways while a person sleeps to prevent the airways from closing.

Additionally, surgery may be advised by medical professionals to cure sleep apnea, particularly in kids with enlarged tonsils and adenoids. To increase airflow, a doctor might remove these bigger structures from the back of the neck.

Critical tips on sleep apnea you shouldn’t miss

Never lose your composure.

  • Your neck shouldn’t stick out further than six inches from the bed’s surface.
  • Sleeping on your side or using a special pillow to elevate your head while you’re asleep. Try to avoid sleeping on your back since your tongue and other soft tissues may obstruct your breathing. Continue reading to learn more.
  • Utilize oral and nasal appliances. It’s not unusual to use a nasal dilator, breathing strips, or a nasal irrigation device. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

Following these treatment recommendations for sleep apnea will not totally cure you of OSA, but it will at least help you decrease the damaging consequences the condition has on your health. Therefore, don’t be afraid to use them and see the results.

As a result, you will need to visit a doctor and get treatment; it cannot be managed at home. If your condition isn’t serious, you may wish to try some of the following at-home treatments for sleep apnea:

Tips for preventing the onset of sleep apnea

We want to distinguish between the two methods, even while certain recommendations for those who currently have sleep apnea may also be useful for those trying to avoid the illness in others. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) prevention is more challenging than OSA treatment because it calls for more attention to detail and willpower. Check out the following advice on OSA prevention:

Work to maintain a healthy weight by: The buildup of extra weight is often the major contributing factor to snoring and the most obvious sign of OSA. Obstructive sleep apnea is less likely to develop in those with smaller necks.

Engage in yoga: Yoga practice may help you breathe more efficiently and more effortlessly. In this part, you’ll learn how exercise could improve your quality of sleep.

Pay attention to your sleep: A simple piece of advise for sleep apnea is to monitor your sleep. Use Goodsomnia Lab to keep an eye on your snoring throughout the night and the quality of your sleep.

Put a humidifier on: If dry air is to blame for your sleep apnea Australia, a humidifier could be beneficial since it will widen your airways, ease congestion, and encourage clearer breathing.

Establish a consistent schedule for going to bed: It’s a wonderful chance to establish new patterns, like sleeping for a whole 8 to 9 hours each night while you’re in quarantine!


According to suggestions, adults should try to get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Having obstructive sleep apnea may make it seem almost impossible to accomplish that objective. 

Even under ideal circumstances, reaching this aim could be difficult. Even though you may not be conscious of your frequent awakenings throughout the night, you will probably feel exhausted and have had poor quality sleep by the time you get up in the morning. 

Learning how to sleep better despite having sleep apnea is a crucial step in the process of recovering one’s life since sleep deprivation can have such a negative impact on a person’s physical and mental health.

The condition of sleep apnea may have an impact on a person’s physical and mental well-being.

Home treatments like elevating the head at sleep and changing to a healthier lifestyle may help lessen apnea episodes.

A person should consult a doctor if they have moderate or severe sleep apnea, however. To help them breathe, they’ll probably need to use a CPAP machine.

More to read: CPAP and other effective sleep apnea treatments

Can Heart Arrhythmias Be Linked to Sleep Apnea?

Can Heart Arrhythmias Be Linked to Sleep Apnea?

Your heart beats most efficiently when it maintains a constant rhythm, just like the steady drumming of your favourite music. Arrhythmias, or abnormal cardiac rhythms, can cause serious health issues if they occur frequently.

When you’re awake, you might notice if your heart misses a beat or two, but when you’re asleep, you might not. Sleep apnea is a respiratory issue that has been linked by researchers to several different cardiac rhythm abnormalities.

Can Arrhythmia Be Caused By Sleep Apnea?

OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea, is a respiratory disease that occurs during sleep and causes frequent interruptions in normal breathing. The pause (and the other frequent pauses that seem to come with it) may be brief, but they can have an effect on your heart.

About a quarter of patients who rely on a pacemaker to regulate their heartbeat also suffer from sleep apnea. This provides further evidence that sleep apnea and arrhythmias may be closely linked.

It is probable that sleep apnea is the cause of arrhythmia in some patients because treating sleep apnea has helped reverse or lessen the occurrence of arrhythmias.

Sleep apnea is more common in those who have heart problems. This suggests that some people who have the disease may have preexisting cardiac conditions. One’s chance of developing irregular heartbeats is already elevated by sleep apnea, but this condition can make things much worse.

To What Extent Is Arrhythmia and Sleep Apnea Linked?

Patients with sleep apnea often suffer from bradyarrhythmias, or abnormally slow heart rates. The likelihood of developing bradyarrhythmia increases as the severity of sleep apnea does. Read more about Critical tips on sleep apnea you shouldn’t miss by clicking here.

However, additional arrhythmias are possible. People with sleep apnea, for instance, are at a 2x higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation.

Why Do People Get Arrhythmia When Sleeping?

Multiple sleep apnea-related factors can contribute to nighttime heart rhythm irregularities:

Making adjustments to the pressure inside the chest.

Stopping breathing during a sleep apnea episode is like to attempting to take a drink through a blocked straw. The more forcefully you try to sip through the straw, the less liquid you manage to move.

This impact is analogous to breathe through a blocked airway.

As a result, your normal intrathoracic pressure, which has an effect on your lungs and heart, shifts. These alterations may activate and move the heart, and also impact blood flow back to the heart. An arrhythmia may result from any of these alterations.

Invoking the fight-or-flight and relaxation responses.

Certain “backup” processes in the body are activated to restart breathing if it stops for any reason. The parasympathetic system, which lowers the heart rate, and the sympathetic system, which speeds it up, are two examples of such systems.

Inducing myocardial ischemia

Oxygen levels in the blood might decline during a sleep apnea episode if the person stops breathing for a period of time. Deficiency of oxygen to body tissues (hypoxia) might result.

The issue of hypoxia is one of supply and demand. The body needs oxygen to function, but the heart isn’t getting enough. Arrhythmias can develop in the event that the heart does not receive enough oxygen, a condition known as myocardial ischemia.

When a Person Has Sleep Apnea, What Happens to Their Heart?

The heart’s capacity to take in oxygen can be disrupted by sleep apnea episodes. Your body will attempt several different kinds of adaptation at first.

In order to acquire more oxygenated blood, it may try to make the heart beat faster or harder. This can have long-term consequences for heart health by increasing heart size or wearing out heart muscle.

Additionally, cardiac cells may be harmed by a lack of oxygen. Because of this, the affected region may become thicker and scarred, reducing its ability to conduct electricity.

The association between sleep apnea and heart failure has been called “bi-directional” by some experts, meaning that both conditions can exacerbate the other.

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Cardiac Problems?

Due to oxygen deprivation, untreated sleep apnea can lead to permanent cardiac abnormalities including scarring or fibrosis.

Less efficient conduction of electrical impulses via cardiac tissue. This can lead to an increase in the incidence of cardiac arrhythmias.

Your doctor should check for sleep apnea before any serious cardiac problems develop. Common causes of sleep apnea include:

  • Obesity 
  • Age
  • Increased girth around the neck
  • A history of feeling “unrefreshed” or like you haven’t slept when you get up
  • Gender

Snoring or pausing to breathe repeatedly while you sleep may be signs of sleep apnea, which can be detected by a sleeping companion. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, make an appointment with your doctor.

Doctors might potentially prescribe therapy for sleep apnea at an earlier stage if patients undergo screening for risk factors.

However, your doctor may first notice an arrhythmia before concluding that you have sleep apnea.

Arrhythmias can cause symptoms including feeling dizzy or like your heart is missing a beat. If you experience any of these signs, it may be because your heart isn’t beating in a regular rhythm.

Can sleep apnea-related cardiac damage be repaired?

If sleep apnea and cardiac arrhythmia are intertwined, treatment of both problems is necessary.

Anti-arrhythmic drugs may be less effective if sleep apnea is left untreated. And if you’re undergoing certain therapies, like ablation for atrial fibrillation, failing to address your sleep apnea might raise the likelihood of the condition returning. To what extent sleep apnea causes cardiac damage determines whether or not that damage may be reversed.

Arrhythmias may be mitigated with the use of a CPAP machine to treat sleep apnea, which increases oxygen intake while you sleep. Reduced oxygen levels can be mitigated with the use of this apparatus by keeping the airways open.

Some studies have shown that using a CPAP machine to treat sleep apnea may reverse cardiac abnormalities, depending on how severe they are. Left ventricular function may be enhanced via CPAP therapy in some patients.

However, studies conducted in 2021 show that CPAP was not successful in reducing the occurrence of atrial fibrillation among persons with moderate to severe sleep apnea Australia.

There are alternative options for treating sleep apnea than CPAP equipment. Surgery of the upper airway or the use of oral equipment to keep the tongue in the correct position during sleeping are two of the options.

The effectiveness of these therapies in correcting damage caused by sleep apnea is unknown at this time. While sleep apnea therapies may not be able to reverse all cardiac damage, they can alleviate some potentially fatal side effects.


The effects of sleep apnea extend beyond simply disrupting your sleep schedule. Another argument for treating sleep apnea is that doing so reduces the risk of having irregular heart rhythms.

Treating irregular cardiac rhythms and sleep apnea can help keep your heart as healthy as possible, which is important since arrhythmias can raise the chance of premature death. Discuss with your doctor the best course of action for treating your sleep apnea and maintaining a healthy heart rate.

Treating Nighttime Reflux from GERD With Sleep Apnea CPAP Machine

Treating Nighttime Reflux from GERD With Sleep Apnea CPAP Machine

Sixty percent of people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) also have GERD, suggesting a possible relationship between the two conditions.

If you suffer with GERD, you know the agony may radiate from your chest all the way up to your throat and back again. Nighttime GERD symptoms are typically the most debilitating and distressing.

Insomnia caused by untreated acid reflux. Trouble falling asleep and waking up at night is a common ailment. These sleep issues may be disregarded as a normal side effect of nocturnal GERD if you’ve never been tested for sleep apnea, but they may also be an indication of undiagnosed sleep apnea.

Numerous studies have found that when to stop sleep apnea, GERD symptoms disappear – without medication – improving both disorders, which is good news.

Everything you need to know about nocturnal GERD, including how sleep apnea may be to blame for your GERD and nighttime GERD symptoms and what can be done about it, is covered here.

Understanding what GERD is all about.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a disorder in which acid from the stomach runs back up into the oesophagus on a continuous basis. Many things can lead to GERD, such as:

Many factors, including but not limited to: an unhealthy diet, being overweight or obese, being pregnant, certain bacteria, and hiatal hernias, can contribute to acid reflux. Click here to read more about Heart Arrhythmias Be Linked to Sleep Apnea?

The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a muscle located between your stomach and oesophagus. The LES is designed to function as the gateway between the oesophagus and the stomach, allowing food to enter the stomach for digestion.

In addition to these, people with GERD may also have chest discomfort, nausea, a persistent cough, or a hoarse voice. Also associated with respiratory symptoms such chronic coughing, wheezing, and a lack of lung capacity. A lot of people report that these symptoms are at their worst when they go to bed.

Distinguishing Between Acid Reflux and GERD

Heartburn is the most frequent symptom of acid reflux and affects up to 20% of adult Australians at least once a week. Although the terms are commonly used interchangeably, acid reflux and GERD are not the same thing. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is another name for GERD.

It’s normal to get heartburn after a heavy meal or after eating too many foods that are difficult to digest, but if it happens frequently, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

When ignored, GERD can erode the esophageal lining and lead to complications like Barrett’s Esophagus and even esophageal cancer.

Sleeping Difficulties Due to Heartburn

Daytime and nighttime symptoms of GERD are equally common. Seventy to seventy-five percent of people with GERD report having heartburn at night, making it extremely uncommon for someone to suffer reflux just during the day.

Although it is possible to have GERD without heartburn, the most frequent symptoms are regurgitation and heartburn. Additionally, you may experience chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and morning hoarseness. Experts in the field of gastroenterology agree that overnight heartburn is a sure sign of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) or nocturnal reflux.

What is the Role of CPAP Therapy in Treating GERD?

Yes, several studies have shown that using a CPAP machine at night can significantly lessen the intensity and frequency of GERD symptoms. The effects of GERD and sleep apnea can be cyclical, so it’s best to treat both conditions together.

Apneas and hypopneas are avoided with CPAP treatment (partial obstructions of the airway). Many of the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, such as acid reflux, can be eliminated or greatly diminished by minimizing these blockages. In addition to increasing blood pressure, CPAP also raises the pressure in the chest. The oesophagus receives this pressure and is thus protected against acid reflux. As air pressure is increased in the airways, symptoms tend to improve.

According to one research, CPAP therapy can significantly cut down on acid reflux, with users reporting a 60% reduction in heartburn symptoms. Results from the study also demonstrated that maintaining CPAP treatment resulted in much less heartburn.

The continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy has shown to be a successful and well-liked treatment option for sleep apnea. Seeing that a single therapy can help with both GERD and sleep problems is promising for those who suffer from both disorders.

Care for Acid Reflux and Sleep Disorders

Many patients live with sleep apnea and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) for years before receiving a diagnosis. One can better gauge when it is time to seek diagnosis and treatment if they are aware of the signs to look out for.

Fortunately, CPAP is a viable therapy option for those who suffer from both GERD and sleep apnea. Adjustments to one’s way of life that are generally positive are also helpful. The first piece of advice is very helpful for those who are coping with obstructive sleep apnea and gastroesophageal reflux disease. In addition to your doctor’s treatment suggestions, consider steps two and three if your sleep study or sleep apnea test shows OSA is not to blame for your nocturnal GERD.

Being overweight or obese greatly increases your risk of developing both sleep apnea and GERD. By reducing the strain on your stomach and diaphragm, weight loss can help alleviate GERD and sleep apnea.

The best method to maintain a healthy weight and manage your symptoms is to eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet. Don’t stuff yourself right before night with a huge dinner. 

See Also: Can Sleep Apnea Contributes to Hair Loss?

Alcohol and caffeine Citrus fruits and tomatoes and other acidic foods

Secondly, when you lay flat on your back, acid from your stomach can more easily wash up into your oesophagus and throat, exacerbating your reflux symptoms. This might cause you to wake up with a sore throat in the morning, have an acidic taste in your mouth, or even cause you to choke or gag in your sleep.

You can alleviate overnight GERD symptoms by lying on your back while lifting your upper body to a comfortable inclination. This is because gravity will be pushing against stomach acid as it tries to go up your oesophagus now that it is higher than your stomach.

However, a particular, wedge-shaped cushion is required for this. Regular pillows are just good for propping up your head, not your whole upper body. In order to achieve the best effects, a thick-topped wedge cushion should be used.

Third, if you suffer with GERD at night, sleeping on your left side can help.

As was previously noted, resting on your back might aggravate GERD symptoms. If sleeping with your head and shoulders propped up is too unpleasant, consider switching to the left side of your bed instead.

Because your oesophagus is now higher than your stomach, gravity has an easier time keeping your stomach’s contents where they belong. Snoring is also much reduced when sleeping on one’s side.

However, the benefits of sleeping on your left side are not shared by sleeping on your right. In reality, the reverse is sometimes the case. Lying on your right side, like sleeping flat on your back, might increase the likelihood of reflux, which is not helpful in relieving your nocturnal discomfort. If you don’t prefer sleeping on your back with a wedge pillow, the left side is the best option.

Though making some healthy lifestyle adjustments can help a lot with GERD, it’s important to note that sleep apnea treatment helps GERD even if OSA is misdiagnosed or untreated. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), the gold standard therapy for OSA, has been proven to decrease the amount of time that acid spends in the oesophagus over the course of a day.


The importance of seeking a consultation and examination cannot be overstated if you have symptoms of gastric reflux and think they could be connected to obstructive sleep apnea or another sleep condition. Contact sleep specialist at Air Liquide Healthcare today if, in addition to GERD, you also have any of the other risk factors for sleep apnea.lll

Can Sleep Apnea Contributes to Hair Loss?

People with sleep apnea feel exhausted the next day, even after getting a “full” night’s rest. The very idea of having blocked or lapsed breathing is frightening enough, but those who really have it also suffer from secondary concerns including marital troubles, weight gain, and reduced cognitive functioning. These problems are caused by the secondary effects of the primary condition.

Even more concerning, research has shown that long-term impacts might hasten the development of hereditary characteristics such as androgenetic alopecia. In addition, there is a correlation between increased stress and living with sleep apnea symptoms, which raises further concerns regarding sleep and hair loss. This link cannot be denied. These preliminary findings raise the question of whether or not sleep apnea may lead to hair loss.

What Are the Roots of Hair Loss?

  • Certain haircuts that put a lot of stress on the follicles and the scalp, as well as treatments (such using hot oil);
  • Certain hormonal and medical situations, like pregnancy, thyroid problems, and alopecia areata;
  • Hair loss can be predicted by looking at a person’s family history. Androgenetic alopecia, often known as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness, is the most prevalent cause of hair loss.
  • A traumatic incident or chronic stress 
  • Medications and health supplements connected to high blood pressure, arthritis, and some kinds of cancer

A study on sleep that was conducted in 2017 found a variety of connections between chronic sleep loss and both short-term and long-term health problems. The stress that is brought on by ongoing disturbance might hasten the manifestation of hereditary characteristics like androgenetic alopecia.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Alopecia

There is not a clear causative connection between alopecia and sleep apnea; nonetheless, there is sufficient data to show a link between the two conditions. It is normal for people to have daily hair loss, which is followed by the growth of new hair as a replacement. The circadian rhythm, also known as an internal clock, plays a role in this process. Read more about Treating Nighttime Reflux from GERD With Sleep Apnea CPAP Machine by visiting

A study that was done in 2014 discovered a connection between maintaining a regular circadian rhythm and maintaining the integrity of newly regenerated stem cell tissue. Hair follicles were affected by the extended interruption in the sleep-wake cycles of the animals that were studied. The findings raise additional concerns about the possible connection between insufficient sleep and thinning hair in humans.

The sleep-wake cycle has an impact on the production of melatonin, which is occasionally used topically as a treatment for balding or thinning hair. Secretion of melatonin occurs during typical periods of sleep, although this process can be hampered by conditions such as irregular sleep-wake cycles or chronic tiredness, both of which are symptoms of sleep apnea.

Poor sleep quality, obstructive sleep apnea, and hair loss are all linked.

The most frequent type of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea, and it is defined by the relaxation of the muscles of the throat. The relaxation makes it more difficult for air to move through, which results in snoring and a drop in the amount of oxygen in the blood. When the brain detects that a person is exerting themselves to breathe, it temporarily rouses them from sleep (so brief a sleeper may not remember). This cycle may recur more frequently than thirty times every hour during the night. Click here to get can exercises help reduce risk or improve symptoms of sleep apnea?

The disturbance accumulates over time, resulting in persistent fatigue and, in some circumstances, a neurobiological ‘cost’ or ‘sleep debt.’ A lack of quality sleep is the first step in the cycle of sleep deprivation and hair loss. This leads to increased stress in one’s personal, professional, and familial life, which in turn adds to hair loss.

How does stress play a role in the thinning of hair that is associated with sleep apnea?

This can occur in one of three ways:

  • Psychosomatic reactions to stress, such as tugging at one’s hair or eyebrows, have been shown to be triggered by stress. Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder that causes patients to compulsively pull off their hair.
  • When a person is under a significant amount of stress, their hair follicles enter a dormant or sleeping state. Because of the accumulation, the impacted hairs become more likely to break off when they are washed or combed in the future.
  • Severe stress triggers an immune system reaction, such as that seen in alopecia areata, which instructs the body to target hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.

Sleep Apnea Remedies

The condition can be treated with a variety of treatments, both at home and at medical facilities.

  • Increasing oxygen flow in the body by physical activity (yoga, running, etc.); this may be done by:
  • Keeping a healthy weight
  • Utilizing oral appliances (to keep airways open when sleeping)
  • Staying away from alcoholic beverages and tobacco products

CPAP treatment is something that medical professionals could recommend. Sleep apnea sufferers are able to reap the advantages of a restful night’s sleep thanks to the unblocking of their breathing passages by a CPAP machine. The continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine produces a steady flow of air and exerts just the right amount of pressure to keep the airway in the back of the neck open while the user sleeps soundly.

Benefits of Using a CPAP Machine Include:

  • Lower chance of getting type 2 diabetes
  • Lower risk of developing heart disease and stroke
  • an increase in attentiveness throughout the day
  • an improvement in both focus and emotional steadiness

What to Do If You’re Worried About Sleep Deprivation and Losing Your Hair

Consider undergoing a sleep study if you are experiencing symptoms that may be connected to sleep apnea or if you suspect that you may have sleep apnea symptoms. Not getting enough sleep may lead to a range of health problems, including heart disease, poor performance at work, and strained personal relationships, in addition to hair loss.

When it comes to enhancing the overall quality of your life, conducting research is an essential step. The most effective therapy as well as preventative measures can be prescribed by specialists once a thorough diagnostic has been performed. You have access to a number of different sleep tests, all of which are directed by knowledgeable and compassionate experts who are standing by to assist you.

Can Exercises Help Reduce Risk or Improve Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Can Exercises Help Reduce Risk or Improve Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

One of the most common causes of interrupted sleep is a blocked airway, which is the case with those who suffer from sleep apnea. Because of this blockage, you will have trouble breathing while you sleep. Sleep apnea is characterised by snoring and periodic interruptions in breathing while sleeping. About 80% of those who snore have sleep apnea.

Although OSA is the most frequent, there are two other forms of sleep apnea.

When the airway is physically blocked during sleep, a condition known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) develops. When the brain has trouble regulating the muscles responsible for breathing during sleep, a condition known as central sleep apnea (CSA) occurs. Mixed or complex sleep apnea occurs when a person has both obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA) and so has obstructions from both conditions. Learn more can heart arrhythmias be linked to sleep apnea?

Exercising can help with the first two degrees of sleep disruption and the third level is beneficial in its own right. Not breathing when sleeping is a significant problem that can have major consequences for your health, as you may well know. Thanks to its ability to alleviate symptoms and prevent the onset of sleep apnea, exercise is a double-edged sword for your health.

Can Exercises Help Reduce Risk or Improve Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Physical Consequences of Sleep Apnea

Some of the organs and tissues that are impacted by sleep apnea are the brain, the heart, and the reproductive system. Because sleep apnea is so often overlooked, patients are often prescribed drugs and therapies that don’t provide optimal results. In the case of people with untreated sleep apnea, the effectiveness of medications like insulin and blood pressure medicine may be diminished.

When it comes to the negative consequences of OSA on the body, exercise has an even higher impact because it is also helping lessen the effect of sleep apnea. This is because many of the symptoms associated with OSA are also warning indicators.

Reduced sleep quality is a major consequence of OSA. This is because the exhaustion and physical repercussions of breathing difficulties sometimes persist even after a full night’s sleep.

Additional health issues that can be exacerbated by sleep apnea include:

Problems with cognitive function or memory loss; diabetes or pre-diabetes; excessive daytime sleepiness; erectile dysfunction; high blood pressure; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); heart disease or heart failure;

Adding insult to injury, obstructive sleep apnea worsens with age and weight. That’s why it’s crucial to finish your therapy or get help if you suspect you have sleep apnea. The symptoms you’re experiencing won’t go away on their own, and they may get worse if you ignore them. Read more about Can Sleep Apnea Contributes to Hair Loss? to click here.

What methods exist for dealing with sleep apnea?

Before discussing the role of exercise in treating sleep apnea, it is crucial to realise that while weight reduction can assist OSA symptoms, it will not cure the illness.

Treatment with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is the gold standard for treating sleep apnea and other breathing disorders during sleep.

Patients with sleep apnea can benefit from CPAP therapy by using a device that delivers a steady stream of air to their airway while they sleep. Consistent use of a CPAP device has been shown in several trials to improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack, and even extend life expectancy.

Common treatments for sleep apnea include continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines and dietary and lifestyle changes. Losing weight can help alleviate certain OSA symptoms, but it won’t cure the condition. Losing weight can help lessen symptoms and improve sleep quality, which makes sense given that being overweight can make the condition worse.

Can Exercise Cure Sleep Apnea, 

The prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea increases with body mass index. It may be the most important contributor to sleep apnea for certain people. That’s because carrying more weight around your neck might cause your upper airway to get blocked, making breathing difficult. This is the root cause of the severe snoring that is a hallmark of OSA. The same is true for the lungs: excess body fat in the midsection can diminish lung volume and so limit one’s breathing ability.

One of the finest things you can do for yourself is to lose weight if you’re overweight or obese and have sleep apnea. Losing weight can help you breathe easier by reducing the pressure in your chest. This can help you stop snoring. The severity of OSA might be decreased by half with just a 10% to 15% weight loss in obese individuals.

Researchers found that moderately obese OSA patients may not need long-term CPAP therapy if they lost weight. When paired with CPAP treatment, losing weight can have additional health benefits.

As a result, this is where exercise comes in. Physical exercise is a key factor in achieving weight reduction success. Exercise may not even be the most beneficial part if you have OSA, even if weight loss can lower OSA severity by 50%.

Can Exercises Help Reduce Risk or Improve Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

How to Treat Sleep Apnea with Throat Exercises

Additional exercises for the nose, mouth, and throat can aid in reducing or eliminating snoring in addition to the weight reduction benefits of aerobic activity.

When your airway muscles relax or protrude during sleep, you experience snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. These manoeuvres assist with nasal breathing as you sleep by training and strengthening the muscles that line the nasal passages, moving the tongue, and opening the mouth slightly.

Oropharyngeal exercise, also known as myofunctional treatment for sleep apnea, works on the muscles and soft tissues of the jaw, neck, and mouth. It’s a great way to train your tongue and jaw into a more comfortable resting position.

Some studies have found that myofunctional treatment can lessen the sleep apnea symptoms. One meta-analysis showed that patients treated with myofunctional therapy had a reduction in their apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) from 24.5 to 12.3. Reduces moderate apnea to a milder form of the condition.

Keeping your mouth and throat muscles toned and strong via daytime exercise might help reduce snoring and treat moderate obstructive sleep apnea by limiting muscular vibration during sleep. When performed in conjunction with a CPAP machine and a healthy lifestyle, these activities can be even more beneficial.

Exercises that focus on deep breathing can also assist with sleep apnea by opening and strengthening the muscles around the airways. Using them before bed can help you breathe more easily through your nose and keep your airways from collapsing as you sleep.

Knowing When to Seek the Advice of a Professional

Modifying your way of life can help your sleep apnea, but it may not be enough for severe cases. An expert in sleep medicine can help you choose which treatments are best for you.

You may take our sleep quiz to see whether you have sleep apnea if you haven’t been diagnosed with it yet. You can use it to evaluate your symptoms and determine if sleep apnea testing is necessary. A consultation and sleep study might be helpful if you have trouble sleeping. Get in touch with Air Liquide Healthcare right now to set up a consultation and learn more about the effective treatments available.

Getting a simple and quick sleep exam might be the difference between another night of bad sleep and the peaceful sleep you deserve if you have obstructive sleep apnea.

Can Heart Arrhythmias Be Linked to Sleep Apnea?

Can Heart Arrhythmias Be Linked to Sleep Apnea?

Your heart beats most efficiently when it maintains a constant rhythm, just like the steady drumming of your favourite music. Arrhythmias, or abnormal cardiac rhythms, can cause serious health issues if they occur frequently.

When you’re awake, you might notice if your heart misses a beat or two, but when you’re asleep, you might not. Sleep apnea is a respiratory issue that has been linked by researchers to several different cardiac rhythm abnormalities.

Can arrhythmia be caused by sleep apnea?

OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea, is a respiratory disease that occurs during sleep and causes frequent interruptions in normal breathing. The pause (and the other frequent pauses that seem to come with it) may be brief, but they can have an effect on your heart.

About a quarter of patients who rely on a pacemaker to regulate their heartbeat also suffer from sleep apnea. This provides further evidence that sleep apnea and arrhythmias may be closely linked.

It is probable that sleep apnea is the cause of arrhythmia in some patients because treating sleep apnea has helped reverse or lessen the occurrence of arrhythmias.

Sleep apnea is more common in those who have heart problems. This suggests that some people who experience sleep apnea may have preexisting cardiac conditions. One’s chance of developing irregular heartbeats is already elevated by sleep apnea, but this condition can make things much worse.

To what extent is arrhythmia and sleep apnea linked?

Patients with sleep apnea often suffer from bradyarrhythmias, or abnormally slow heart rates. The likelihood of developing bradyarrhythmia increases as the severity of sleep apnea does.

However, additional arrhythmias are possible. People with sleep apnea, for instance, are at a 2x higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation.

Why do people get arrhythmia when sleeping?

Multiple sleep apnea-related factors can contribute to nighttime heart rhythm irregularities:

Making adjustments to the pressure inside the chest.

Stopping breathing during a sleep apnea episode is like to attempting to take a drink through a blocked straw. The more forcefully you try to sip through the straw, the less liquid you manage to move.

This impact is analogous to that of trying to breathe through a blocked airway. Click here to read more about Can Exercises Help Reduce Risk or Improve Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

As a result, your normal intrathoracic pressure, which has an effect on your lungs and heart, shifts. These alterations may activate and move the heart, and also impact blood flow back to the heart. An arrhythmia may result from any of these alterations.

Invoking the fight-or-flight and relaxation responses.

Certain “backup” processes in the body are activated to restart breathing if it stops for any reason. The parasympathetic system, which lowers the heart rate, and the sympathetic system, which speeds it up, are two examples of such systems.

Inducing myocardial ischemia

Oxygen levels in the blood might decline during a sleep apnea episode if the person stops breathing for a period of time. Deficiency of oxygen to body tissues (hypoxia) might result.

The issue of hypoxia is one of supply and demand. The body needs oxygen to function, but the heart isn’t getting enough. Arrhythmias can develop in the event that the heart does not receive enough oxygen, a condition known as myocardial ischemia.

Can Heart Arrhythmias Be Linked to Sleep Apnea?

When a person has sleep apnea, what happens to their heart?

The heart’s capacity to take in oxygen can be disrupted by sleep apnea episodes. Your body will attempt several different kinds of adaptation at first.

In order to acquire more oxygenated blood, it may try to make the heart beat faster or harder. This can have long-term consequences for heart health by increasing heart size or wearing out heart muscle.

Additionally, cardiac cells may be harmed by a lack of oxygen. Because of this, the affected region may become thicker and scarred, reducing its ability to conduct electricity.

The association between sleep apnea and heart failure has been called “bi-directional” by some experts, meaning that both conditions can exacerbate the other.

Can sleep apnea cause cardiac problems?

Due to oxygen deprivation, untreated sleep apnea can lead to permanent cardiac abnormalities including scarring or fibrosis.

Less efficient conduction of electrical impulses via cardiac tissue. This can lead to an increase in the incidence of cardiac arrhythmias.

Your doctor should check for sleep apnea before any serious cardiac problems develop. Common causes of sleep apnea include:

  • Obesity 
  • Age
  • Increased girth around the neck
  • A history of feeling “unrefreshed” or like you haven’t slept when you get up
  • Gender

Snoring or pausing to breathe repeatedly while you sleep may be signs of sleep apnea, which can be detected by a sleeping companion. If you suspect you have sleep apnea, make an appointment with your doctor.

Doctors might potentially prescribe therapy for sleep apnea at an earlier stage if patients undergo screening for risk factors.

However, your doctor may first notice an arrhythmia before concluding that you have sleep apnea.

Arrhythmias can cause symptoms including feeling dizzy or like your heart is missing a beat. If you experience any of these signs, it may be because your heart isn’t beating in a regular rhythm.

Can sleep apnea-related cardiac damage be repaired?

If sleep apnea and cardiac arrhythmia are intertwined, treatment of both problems is necessary.

Anti-arrhythmic drugs may be less effective if sleep apnea is left untreated. And if you’re undergoing certain therapies, like ablation for atrial fibrillation, failing to address your sleep apnea might raise the likelihood of the condition returning. To what extent sleep apnea causes cardiac damage determines whether or not that damage may be reversed.

Arrhythmias may be mitigated with the use of a CPAP machine to treat sleep apnea, which increases oxygen intake while you sleep. Reduced oxygen levels can be mitigated with the use of this apparatus by keeping the airways open.

Some studies have shown that using a CPAP machine to treat sleep apnea may reverse cardiac abnormalities, depending on how severe they are. Left ventricular function may be enhanced via CPAP therapy in some patients.

However, studies conducted in 2021 show that CPAP was not successful in reducing the occurrence of atrial fibrillation among persons with moderate to severe sleep apnea.

There are alternative options for sleep apnea treatment than CPAP equipment. Surgery of the upper airway or the use of oral equipment to keep the tongue in the correct position during sleeping are two of the options.

The effectiveness of these therapies in correcting damage caused by sleep apnea is unknown at this time. While sleep apnea therapies may not be able to reverse all cardiac damage, they can alleviate some potentially fatal side effects.


The effects of sleep apnea extend beyond simply disrupting your sleep schedule. Another argument for treating sleep apnea is that doing so reduces the risk of having irregular heart rhythms.

Treating irregular cardiac rhythms and sleep apnea can help keep your heart as healthy as possible, which is important since arrhythmias can raise the chance of premature death. Discuss with your doctor the best course of action for treating your sleep apnea and maintaining a healthy heart rate.

More to read: Frequently asked questions on CPAP machines

15 Health Benefits of Cucumber

15 Health Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a vegetable that belongs to the gourd family, Cucurbitaceae, which includes gourds, melons, and squashes.

Cucumber is one of the oldest cultivated vegetables and is believed to be originated in northern India. Today, cucumbers are the fourth most widely grown vegetable crop in the world – after tomatoes, onions and cabbage. They’re grown worldwide in temperate regions.

There are two types of cucumbers: slicing cucumbers and pickling cucumbers. The pickling varieties tend to be smaller, thicker, and have bumpy skin with black-dotted spines.

Cucumber is often regarded as a healthy food because it is low in calories and fat. Cucumber also contains many vitamins and minerals that make them a healthy choice for cooking and snacking. Here are 15 health benefits of cucumber:

  1. Keep you hydrated
    Cucumber has 96% water content that is more nutritious than regular water, which helps in keeping the body hydrated and regulating body temperature. It also helps in flushing out the toxins from the body.
  2. Skin care
    The high water content and the presence of certain vitamins and minerals make cucumber an essential part of skin care. Facial masks containing cucumber juice can be used for skin tightening. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid present in cucumbers can bring down the water retention rate which in turn diminishes the puffiness and swelling under the eyes. Cucumber skin also can bring relief to the skin caused by sunburn or windburn.
  3. Fight cancers
    Cucumber contains lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol – three lignans that have a strong history of research in connection with reduced risk of several cancer types, including breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer.
  4. Control Blood Pressure
    Cucumber juice contains a lot of potassium, magnesium and fiber which are very helpful for regulating blood pressure. This makes cucumber especially good for treating both low blood pressure and high blood pressure.
  5. Beneficial for teeth and gums
    Cucumber juice is also beneficial for people with teeth and gums problems, especially in cases of pyorrhea. Cucumber is a good source of dietary fiber and this fiber massage in the teeth and gums.
15 Health Benefits of Cucumber
  1. Aid digestion
    Digestive disorders, such as heartburn, gastritis, and even ulcers, can be cured by the daily consumption of fresh cucumber juice. The high water content and dietary fiber in cucumber are very effective in driving away the toxins from the digestive system and hence aid digestion. Daily consumption of cucumber can be regarded as a remedy for chronic constipation. Also, find out more about Can Heart Arrhythmias Be Linked to Sleep Apnea? by clicking here.
  2. Promotes joint health
    Cucumber is an excellent source of silica which is known to help promotes joint health by strengthening the connective tissues.
  3. Get rid of bad breath
    The photochemicals present in cucumber help kills the bacteria in your mouth which are responsible for bad breath. To get rid of bad breath, press a slice of cucumber in between your mouth with your tongue for at least 30 seconds.
  4. Nail care
    The high silica content in cucumber also helps prevent splitting and spoiling of nails of the fingers and toes.
  5. Relieve gout and arthritis pain
    Cucumber is a best ingredient for gout pain relief. When mixed with carrot juice, they can relieve gout and arthritis pain by lowering the uric acid levels.
  6. Cures diabetes
    The cucumber juice has been found to be beneficial for the diabetic patients. This vegetable contains a hormone needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin.
  7. Reduces cholesterol
    Researchers found that some compound called sterols in cucumber may help reduce cholesterol levels.
  8. Stimulate hair growth
    Cucumber contains silicon and sulphur and thus a regular intake of cucumber can help promote healthy hair growth. For best results, mix cucumber juice with the juices of carrot, lettuce or spinach.
  9. Acts as a diuretic
    The water content of cucumber acts as a diuretic. It encourages the elimination of waste products from the body through urination. Regular intake of cucumber helps to dissolve bladder or kidney stones.
  10. Aid in weight loss
    Due to its low calorie and high water content, cucumber is an ideal diet for people who looking for weight loss.

When buying cucumber, choose the ones that are firm to touch and dark green in color. Do not buy overly matured or yellow colored as they are prone to contain more insoluble fiber and mature seeds. Go for organically grown cucumber to get a rich taste and more nutrients content.

More to read:
Can Sleep Apnea Contributes to Hair Loss?

Top 10 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Top 10 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it’s important to make healthy dietary choices to support both your own health and the development of your baby. While many foods are safe to eat during pregnancy, there are certain foods that should be avoided or consumed with caution due to potential risks. Here’s a list of 10 foods to avoid during pregnancy:

  1. Raw or Undercooked Seafood: Raw fish and seafood, such as sushi, sashimi, and oysters, can expose you to harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can lead to foodborne illnesses.
  2. High-Mercury Fish: Certain fish, like sharks, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, are high in mercury, which can harm your baby’s developing nervous system. Opt for low-mercury alternatives like salmon, shrimp, and canned light tuna. Find more about 15 Health Benefits of Cucumber by visiting
  3. Unpasteurized Dairy Products: Avoid unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses made from unpasteurized milk (e.g., feta, brie, camembert) as they may carry the risk of listeria infection.
  4. Raw or Undercooked Eggs: Raw or undercooked eggs can contain harmful bacteria like Salmonella. Ensure that eggs are fully cooked and avoid dishes with raw or partially cooked eggs.
  5. Processed Meats: Processed meats like deli meats and hot dogs can be contaminated with listeria. If you choose to eat them, ensure they are heated until steaming to kill any potential bacteria.
  6. Caffeine: High levels of caffeine intake during pregnancy can be linked to an increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight. Limit your caffeine consumption to around 200 mg per day (equivalent to one 12-ounce cup of coffee).
  7. Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables: Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables to remove potential pesticides, bacteria, and dirt.
  8. Unpasteurized Juices: Just like with dairy products, avoid unpasteurized fruit juices as they can carry the risk of bacterial contamination.
  9. Alcohol: There is no safe level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, as it can lead to birth defects, developmental issues, and other health problems for the baby.
  10. Highly Processed and Junk Foods: Limit the consumption of foods high in added sugars, excessive salt, and unhealthy fats. Focus on whole, nutrient-rich foods to support both your health and your baby’s development.

Remember that every pregnancy is unique, and individual dietary needs may vary. It’s a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to create a personalized pregnancy diet plan that ensures you’re getting the nutrients you and your baby need while avoiding potential risks.

Health Benefits of Apples

Health Benefits of Apples

Apples are a popular and widely consumed fruit that offer a range of health benefits due to their nutritional content. Here are some of the health benefits of apples:

1. High in Dietary Fiber:

Apples are rich in dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber called pectin. Fiber aids in digestion helps maintain regular bowel movements and can contribute to a feeling of fullness, which can aid in weight management.

2. Heart Health:

The soluble fiber in apples, specifically pectin, can help lower cholesterol levels by reducing the absorption of dietary cholesterol. Potassium in apples can support heart health by helping to regulate blood pressure.

3. Antioxidant Content:

Apples contain various antioxidants, including vitamin C and phytochemicals like quercetin. These antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.

4. Blood Sugar Regulation:

The fiber and natural sugars in apples can help regulate blood sugar levels. The slow release of sugars due to the fiber content can prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar. Click here to read more about Top 10 Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy.

5. Weight Management:

Apples are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a satisfying and nutritious snack option for those looking to manage their weight.

6. Gut Health:

The fiber in apples serves as a prebiotic, providing nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome is linked to various aspects of health, including digestion and immune function.

7. Dental Health:

Chewing apples stimulates saliva production, which can help maintain oral hygiene by reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

8. Bone Health:

Apples contain a variety of minerals, including potassium and a small amount of calcium and magnesium, which are important for maintaining strong bones.

9. Respiratory Health:

Some studies suggest that regular apple consumption may be associated with a reduced risk of respiratory conditions like asthma due to the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in apples.

10. Cognitive Health:

Certain antioxidants in apples, particularly quercetin and flavonoids, have been linked to potential cognitive benefits and a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Nutritional Value of Apples (per 100g serving):

  • Calories: 52 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 14 g
  • Sugars: 10.3 g
  • Dietary Fiber: 2.4 g
  • Protein: 0.3 g
  • Fat: 0.2 g
  • Vitamin C: 5.7 mg (10% of the Daily Value)
  • Potassium: 107 mg

Apples are versatile fruit that can be enjoyed on their own, added to salads, used in cooking, or blended into smoothies. Including a variety of fruits like apples in your diet can contribute to better overall health and well-being.